


6 October, Africas in Exile, performing reportage, Teatro Odeon di Catania, Sicily, Italy

14-15 September,  an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality,  Trieste, Italy,  mail to

7-8 September,  an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality,  Trieste, Italy,  SOLD OUT

1 July-  30 August, Nur. Afghan Notes, photographic exhibition, Lignano (FVG); Italy

22-23 June, an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality, Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo, Italy,  mail to

Friday 14th June 6.30pm – 7.30pm at the Nerve Centre, EXILES; performing reportage at Yes Festival, Ulysses European Odyssey, Derry-Londonderry, UK,

20-21 April,  an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality,  Arci Tavola Tonda ai Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo, Italy,  mail to

20 April, at 9.30 pm,  at 9.30 pm, Africas in Exile, performing reportage,  Arci Tavola Tonda ai Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo, Italy

13-14 April, an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality, Festival Fotografico Europeo, Legnano (Milan), Italy, info

13 April, at 5 pm  Africas in Exile,  performing reportage at Festival Fotografico Europeo, Cinema Ratti, Legnano (Milan), Italy

6 April, Clandestine Geographies, performing reportage, CineCity, Lignano (FVG), Italy

3 April, at 9 pm, Broken Songlines. performing reportage,Teatro Pacetti di Centobuchi di Monteprandone (Ascoli Piceno), Italy

27 March, at 8.30 PM,  Clandestine Geographies, performing reportage, Teatro Miela, Triest, Italy



12 December, 8.45 PM, performing reportage Broken Songlines. Tre Manoscritti, Teatro Camploy, Verona, Italy

19 November, 6pm, presentation of the book „Geografie sommerse”, Milan Bookcity, #BCM23, Photography Books & Zines reviews, Italian Institute of Photography, via Caviglia 3, Milan, Italy

18-19 November, an intensive photoreportage workshop The creative and non-fiction writing of reality, Milan Bookcity & Italian Institute of Photography​, Italy

15 July – 8 October, the exhibition „Geografie sommerse” (Clandestine Geographies), Magazzino delle Idee, Triest, Ente Regionale per Patrimonio Culturale FVG, Italy

23 June, Palazzo Ducale, Sala del Munizioniere, Genoa, 5pm: „Us and them”, documentary film by Sohila Akbari, „Broken Songlines”, 6pm: performing reportage show by Monika Bulaj, Italy

23 June, photographic exhibition „Nur. The hidden light of Afghanistan”, Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy

20 June, 9pm, Where the gods speak to each other, performing reportage show by Monika Bulaj, Teatro von Mazza, Padua, Italy

May 13-14, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Pescara, Mediamuseum, Italy, on the occasion of the first edition of the festival „Flaiano fO, the reportage between the real and the unreal” (registration open)

May 13, 10-11.30 AM, performing reportage Prayers of the Persecuted, Pescara, Mediamuseum, Italy, on the occasion of the first edition of the Festival „Flaiano fO, the reportage between the real and the unreal”

May 6-7, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Bolzano, Italy (registration open)

May 5, opening of the exhibition  Ai confini del sacro, Circolo Tina Modotti, Bolzano, Italy

March 24, at 7,30 PM performing reportage “Orações dos Perseguidos”, with and by Monika Bulaj, Dourados, Mato Grosso del Sul, Brasile.

January 21-22, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Treviso, Italy, Lab27

January and February, exhibition In the shadow of the Baobab. Emergency and the beauty of care, Giudecca, Calle Fondamenta S. Giacomo, 212, Venezia, Italy.  The exhibition will be open until 27 January, but can also be visited later, on weekdays, by writing to infovenice@emergency.it or by calling 041 877931.



December 27, performing reportage Broken Songlines, Arci Tavola Tonda, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo, Italy

November 15 – 27 January 2023 , exhibition In the shadow of the Baobab. Emergency and the beauty of care, Venezia, Giudecca, Italy

Novembre 5-6,  an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Trieste

October 22-23 ,  an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Trieste, Italy

October 15,  LHSA- The International Leica Society Photo Grant winner, Dublin, Irland

July 19, performing reportage Dove gli dei si parlano, festival Racconti di luce, Rotonda a Mare a Senigallia, Italy

July 17, performing reportage Dove gli dei si parlano, festival Le parole della montagna, Smerillo, Italy

June 3 – 26, In the shadow of the Baobab. Emergency and the beauty of care, IMP-Festival -International Months of Photojournalism Padova, Italy

May 29, documentary theater Geografie Invisibili, Teatro Bolognini, Festival Dialoghi di Pistoia, Italy

May 10-22 , exhibition  In the shadow of the Baobab. Emergency and the beauty of care, Urban Art and Exhibition, Casa EMERGENCY, Milan, Italy

May 13, performing reportage Broken Songlines, Festival Fotografico Europeo, Busto Arsizio, Italy

April  10 – May 22, performing reportage Broken Songlines, Festival Fotografico Europeo, Busto Arsizio, Italy

April 5, Premio Montale Fuori di Casa, Sezione Giornalismo Fotografico, 2022, Italy

April 3, performing reportage Dove gli dei si parlano, Teatro Odeon di Catania, images, text, narrator, direction: Monika Bulaj; violin, voice: Katarzyna Kapela; percussion, vocals: Patrycja Betley, Italy

April 1, performing reportage Broken Songlines, Arci Tavola Tonda, Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo, Italy



December 10, THE PORT / WHERE ROUTES MEET, Urban Art / Video installation in Genoa port, with Zones Portuaires, on the SAAR silos Depositi Portuali, Italy

October 27, performing reportage Broken Songlines”, Cinema Teatro Conca Verde, Bergamo, Fotografica – Festival di Fotografia Bergamo & Molte Fedi, Italy


September 12, The night of Kabul, visual storytelling, AnconaPhotoFestival, Italy


March 21, images in homage to the poet Adam Zagajewski (Leopoli 1945 – Krakow 2021), from Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Lithuania, Israel and Italy.






Tuesday, December 3, at 11 AM, the talk for the inauguration of the first Museum of Geography in Italy, the aula magna „Galileo Galilei” of the University of Padua.

Tuesday, December 3 at 9PM, documentary theater Where Gods Whisper, Rovereto, Italy.

Sunday 24 November, documentary theater Where Gods Whisper, with and by Monika Bulaj, live music by Ensemble Sutari, Błaźnice Artistic Residence, Curator: Anna Zubrzycki, Wroclaw 2019, Poland.

On Sunday 27th October at 6pm, the former Chiesa dell’Angelo, a guided tour of the exhibition Broken Songlines, Lodi, Italy, Festival of Ethical Photography.

Saturday 26 and Sunday 27 October in Lodi, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, on the occasion of the Festival of Ethical Photography, Lodi, Italy, info: monikabulaj (at) gmail.com

Saturday 26 October at 9 pm, documentary theater Broken Songlines || Three Manuscripts, the Teatro alle Vigne Ridotto, via Cavour, 66, Lodi, Italy, Festival of Ethical Photography.

Sunday, October 20 at 3 pm, documentary theater Where Gods Whisper, Municipal Theater of Nago Torbole, Italy. Participation is free with reservations required (non-numbered places). Reservations: info@ilfotogramma.org

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Sondrio, for information please write to: info (at) cfsondrio.it or call 335/5845605.

Friday 11 October at 9pm, documentary theater Where Gods Whisper, Sondrio, Castel Masegra.

Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October in Verona, an intensive photojournalist workshop Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, information: stefanoventurini2000 (at) yahoo.it.

Friday 4 October, 8.30pm, documentary theater Where Gods Whisper, Cinema Teatro Busnelli via Dante 30, Dueville (VI). Review Without Timetable Without Flag.

Friday October 4th, 10am, Festival of Ethical Photography in Lodi. The press conference at the Broken Songlines exhibition. The exhibition, open from October 5, will be exhibited in the former Church of the Angel, in via Fanfulla 22, during the four weekends of the Festival, Saturday and Sunday, from 9.30 to 20.00.

Tuesday 1 October at 7.30 pm, at the Miela Bonawentura Theater, first appointment of the “S / paesati” Festival: „Three Manuscripts. Images, films, melodies, sounds, stories ”, performing reportage/documentary theater.

8th June, performing reportage Broken Songlines, at Beyond Religion,the Pulitzer Center’s annual conference, National Press Club in Washington, D.C., USA

14 June, performing reportage Broken Songlines|| Three Manuscripts, Teatro delle Muse, Anconafotofestival, Italy.

15-16 June, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, auditorium della Polveriera, Anconafotofestival, Italy.

26-27 January, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Ca’ dei Carraresi (sala Brittoni), Treviso.

25 January, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater,  Ca’ dei Carraresi, Treviso, Italy. 




14-15 November, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Collettiva, Rome, info: infocollettiva@gmail.com

13 November, at 5.30 PM, Il monastero del proprio spirito, conference, Biblioteca Comunale Panizzi di Reggio Emilia, Italy

9 November, at 9PM, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Cinema Teatro Nuovo San Michele, via Vincenzo Monti 7c, Verona, Italy

8 novembre, at 8PM, Sacred Crossings / Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, the Arnolfini, Bristol, KIN Festival, UK. Updating 2th November: the festival KIN has been cancelled. 

27-28 October, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Fujifilm X-VISION TOUR 2018, Galvanotecnica Bugatti, Via Gaspare Bugatti 7, Milano,  Italy, info: monikabulaj@gmail.com

28 October, at 4PM, Children in flight, conference, Torneria Tortona,  Fujifilm X-VISION TOUR 2018, Milan, Italy

 13 October, Agli estremi del mondo, Festival del Coraggio, Cervignano del Friuli, Italy

13-14 October, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Trieste

9-10 June, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Valpolicella, Italy

8 June, 3.30 pm, lectio magistralis Memoria di terre, popoli e dei, Memoria Festival, Mirandola

2-3 June, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Anconafotofestival

1 June, at 9Pm, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Teatro delle Muse, Anconafotofestival

19 May – 17  June, Nur. Afghan Notes, exhibition, Polveriera Castelfidardo, Parco cittadino del Cardeto, Anconafotofestival

28-31 May, Seminary on Afganistan, Centro per il dialogo interreligioso, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Roma, Italy

26-27 May, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Master in Photography and Journalism, Pescara, Italy

17-18 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Bologna, Paoletti School, Italy

23 March at 9PM, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Perugia Social Fest, la Sala dei Notari, Piazza IV Novembre, Italy

24-25 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Perugia Social Fest (iscrizioni chiuse), Italy

22-23 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Perugia Social Fest (iscrizioni chiuse), Italy

11 March, at7 Pm, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Centro Candiani, Venezia Mestre, Italy

10-11 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Vigonovo, Italy

9 March, at9PM, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Auditorium Trombini, Universi Femminili 2018, Tirano, Italy

8-9 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Tirano, Italy

3-4 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Palazzo Rasponi 2, Ravenna, Italy

2 March, at 9PM, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Cinema Teatro Moderno, Savignano sul Rubicone, Italy


18 listopad, godz. 14, Nur. Ukryte światło Afganistanu, conference&screeining, Festiwal Podróży i Reportażu Kontynenty, Lublin, Centrum Spotkania Kultury, Polska

15 th November at 6.30 PM , Where Gods Whisper introduced by Uliano Lucas, Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia,  Milan, Italy, via Meravigli 5

13 th November at 7.30 PM,the presentation of the book Where Gods Whisper, Leica Store, Rome, Via dei due Macelli 57, Italy

12 th November, tv2000, Where Gods Whisper, Il mondo insieme” of Licia Colò

10  th November at 7PM, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Teatro San Leonardo Bologna

9 th Novembre Paris Photo 5PM, the signing of the book Where Gods Whisper” (Contrasto), Booth G4

8 th November 2017 – 3th Jannuary 2018, Where Gods Whisper, exhibition, Maison de la Culture d’Amiens, Centre européen de création et de production, France, Gallery

3 th November, Nur. Afghan Diaries, exhibition, Reggia, Colorno, Italy. Gallery

29 October, at 10.30 AM, Vis a vis of Denis Curti with  Monika Bulaj and Maurizio Galimberti, Auditorium del Museo Revoltella, Triest, Italy

23 September, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Teatro della cittadina di Novafeltria (RN), “Semplicemente fotografare Live”, Italy

8 September, at 6.30 PM, Where Gods Whisper, the documentary theater and the presentation of the book “Where Gods Whisper” / Contrasto, Teatro Bibiena, Festivaletteratura Mantova, Italy

1 September, Nur. Afghan Notes, exhibition for Emergency, Brescia Fotofestival, Italy

1 September, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Castello Ducale di Corigliano Calabro, Italy

1 September, Twarze, nieba, morze – dla Mario Dondero, exhibition, Corigliano Calabro Fotografia, Italy

14 July, Where Gods Whisper, documentary theater, Piedicavallo Festival, Italy

8 April, Eyes on Main Street, exhibition, Wilson Outdoor Photo Festival, USA

7 Aprile, at 7PM, Sacred Crossings/Dove gli dei si parlanodocumentary theater, Palazzo Ducale, Genova, Italy

8-9 April, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Genova, Italy (iscrizioni terminate)

1-2 aprile, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Bolzano, circolo fotografico Tina Modotti (iscrizioni terminate), Italy

22-23 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Ravenna, Camera Work with  Comune di Ravenna, free for under 30, Palazzo Rasponi (iscrizioni terminate), Italy

18-19 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality,  Fondazione Forma per la Fotografia, Milano (iscrizioni terminate), Italy

11 marzo, ore 21.00, Dove gli dei si parlano, di e con mb, teatro documentario, People BresciaPhotoFestival, Chiesa di Santa Giulia, Italy

11-12 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Galleria La Stanza Delle Biciclette, People BresciaPhotoFestival (iscrizioni terminate), Italy

10 March – 30 April, Nur. Appunti afghani/Afghan Diaries, mostra fotografica, Galleria La Stanza Delle Biciclette, People BresciaPhotoFestival, Italy


10 December at 5PM, Sacred Crossings, lecture, Fiera Più libri più liberi, Palazzo dei congressi, Eur, Rome, Italy

November 28 – December 17, Nur. Afghan Notes, exhibition, ANI Pixpalace, Gobelins L’Ecole de L’Image, opening December 2th, Paris

18 November, Sacred Crossings, for the collective exhibition about the languages of the photography of «la Lettura» and Fondazione Corriere della Sera, Triennale di Milano, BookCity, Italy

11 November at 6PM, Searching for Sheba, Screening & Storytelling, Italian Cultural Center „Claudio Trevi”, Bolzano, Italy

10 November, at 9 pm, Dove gli dei si parlano/ Sacred Crossings, documentary theater, Teatro Miela, Triest, Italy

8 November, at 8.45 pm, Spaesati, Screening & Storytelling, Auditorium Piazza Libertà, Nembro, Italy

5 November, at 9 pm, Dove gli dei si parlano/ Sacred Crossings, documentary theater, Fotografica Festival di Fotografia, Bergamo, 1th Edition, Italy

27  October, at 9 pm, AURAS. Sacred Crossings, documentary theater, Festival”The Ancestors”/”Dziady”, The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016, Poland

27 October, at 6pm, the inauguration of the exhibition Sacred Crossings / Święte rozdroża, Festival „The Ancestors”/”Dziady”,  The Grotowski Institute, Kamienica, ul. Rynek 25, Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016, Poland

13 October- 12 novembre, Sacred Crossings / Święte rozdroża, photographic exhibition, Festival GLI AVI/DZIADY, in collaboration with The Grotowski Institute, Kamienica, ul. Rynek 25, Wroclaw European Capital of Culture 2016, Poland

5 October 2016 – 8 January 2017, L’ALTRO SGUARDO/PARLANDO CON VOI, collective exhibition of the Italian women photographers, Triennale of Milan, Italy

24 September, Lugano Photo Days, at 5.30PM,  Il Ciani (ex Asilo) , Miserabilismo. Quel terribile fascino della fotografia per la povertà, Meeting with Monika Bulaj and  Michele Smargiassi (La Repubblica).

24 September, Afghan Diaries, photographic exhibition, LuganoPhotoDays, Switzerland

24-25 September, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality,LuganoPhotoDays, Switzerland

10- 11 September, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality,  Teatro Miela, Trieste, Italy: info@monikabulaj.com

13-15 July, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, FestivalCorigliano Calabro Fotografia, Italy

13 July,  Afghan Diaries, photographic exhibition, Festival Corigliano Calabro Fotografia, Italy

1-2-3 July, To See, Photojournalism – Reportage – Film, workshop with Maria Nadotti, Giovanni Cioni and Monika Bulaj;  Associazione Le Giraffe/ Centro servizi per il volontariato Forum Solidarietà/ Centro Interculturale di Parma e Provincia/ libreria Diari di Bordo Parco Nevicati, Collecchio (Parma), Italy

20-23 April, Visual introduction to the Pamirs and Pamirian peoples, Screening & Storytelling, Pamirs at the Crossroads – Changing challenges and perspectives Freie Universitaet Berlin, Institute of Geographical Sciences, Berlin

16-17 April, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Teatro Miela, Trieste, Italy

2-3 April, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Teatro Miela, Trieste, Italy

11 March, Where Gods Cross Borders, Screening & Storytelling, “Frammenti di fotografia”, Marmirolo, Italy

5-6 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality,  Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini, Palazzo Buonadrata, Rimini, Italy

4 March, Where Gods Cross Borders, Screening & Storytelling, “I Maestri ed il Tempo” , Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Rimini, Palazzo Buonadrata, Italy

22 January,  God’s People. Along the Borders of the Eastern Spirituality, Screening & Storytelling, Biblioteca Civica di Pordenone con l’Associazione Cintamani, Italy


14 November, 9.15 PM, STORIES AND PHOTOGRAPHIES, Screening & Storytelling, Reggia di Colorno, Colorno PhotoLife, Italy

14 -15 November, REPORTAGE-SOCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, workshop, Colorno PhotoLife, Italy

5 November, DEAMBULATIONS TERRESTRES, Les Tribunes de la Presses, at 8.00 PM, cafè des Tribunes, Bordeaux, France

23 -30 October, WHERE GODS CROSS BORDERS/Dove gli dei si parlano, exhibition, Milano Book City, Frigoriferi Milanesi, Italy

23 October, meeting with Monika Bulaj and Paolo Rumiz,  Milano Book City, Frigoriferi Milanesi, via Piranesi 10, at 6.00 PM, Italy

13 October, FAR FROM WHERE, performance, Ezzelino Fotoclub, Italy

19 September, ‘Le véritable voyage de découverte ne consiste pas à chercher de nouveaux paysages, mais à avoir de nouveaux yeux’ (Marcel Proust). Conference, Fotoclub Potenza Picena, Italy

2 September, Evening Screening The Visa d’Or Daily Press Award, Perpignan, France

29 August, WHERE GODS WHISPER, performance, Festival Concorto Piacenza, Italy

29-30 August, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Festival Concorto Piacenza, Italy

26 June, NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage, Festival Passione Amore Fede with Pippo del Bono, Asti, Italy

21 June, EAT SOME TEA, meeting with Monika Bulaj and Massimo Pulini, Festival del Mondo antico, Pneuma4 in ascolto dello spirito, Rimini, Italy

20 June, FAR FROM WHERE, lectio, XIX Festa Multiculturale, Collecchio, Italy

19-20 June, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, XIX Festa Multiculturale, Collecchio, Italy

8 May, MIGRATION EN ROUTE, STORIES OF MEN AND BORDERS, conference screening of Monika Bulaj and Giulio Piscitelli, Vicino Lontano, Udine, Italy

13 March, WHERE GODS WHISPER, conference, Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milano, Italy

13-14 March, Photojournalism Workshop: Creative Nonfiction/Writing the Reality, Frigoriferi Milanesi, Milano, Italy


22 November, THE LIGHT HUNTER, Monika Bulaj at New York University in Florence. The workshop (for students only) and the conference, Italy

Video interview, at New York University in Florence, Italy

4 September, NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage,

Video interview, Mantova Festivaletteratura, Italy

22 November, NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage, Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo, Il Teatro Vivo 2014, Italy

22 November, WHERE THE FAIRIES ARE MILKING THE MOON. Nomadic journey to places near and far where the gods whisper, Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo, Il Teatro Vivo 2014, Italy

Press Release:
NON VIOLENCE AWARD 2014 for Monika Bulaj:
‘Awarded for the first time to a woman. The prize was given for her work as a photographer, reporter and documentary-maker which sheds lights on humanity living in the most hidden yet most evident boundaries on earth, for showing war through its consequences, for investigating mankind’s soul, our eagerness for religiosity, tenderness and dignity. Monika Bulaj makes the invisible visible by exploring people’s soul, by uniting humanity in an image’.

19 May, NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage, Bergamo Festival ‘Making the Peace’, Italy


PHOTO-GEOGRAPHIES, Petite maison des sons et lumières, Fermo. Workshops and conference: October 25, 26, 27. November 24

NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage, October 13, Venezia Mestre, Centro Candiani, Italy

THE PARADE, the street theatre on the stilts with the children of the Serbian enclaves, August, 31 th, Prizren, Kosovo

THE PARADE, the street theatre on the stilts with the children of the Serbian enclaves, August, 30 th, Velika Hoca, Kosovo

STILT DANCERS- PHOTOGRAPHERS, workshop of stilts and photography, Velika Hoca, Kosovo, August 23-31.

NOOR. AFGHAN NOTES, Documentary Theatre – performing reportage, l’anteprima nazionale, July, 26 th, Ex-convento di San Francesco, Pordenone, Italy

THE DESIRES. THE MAN. International Conference on Philosophy, 19-20 aprile, Perugia/Città di Castello, Italy, www.nuovoumanesimo.org

Workshop of Photography, 12-15 July, International Theatre Festival of Santarcangelo, Italy


22-26 November GOD’S PEOPLE, Workshop of Monika Bulaj for Photo-Berlin


16 November AFGHANISTAN. BEHIND THE GREAT GAME, News Xchange 2012, BARCELONA, Conference.

12 October UNTOLD AFGHANISTAN , Monika Bulaj and Emanule Giordana between Vicenza e Kabul,
By Casa di Cultura Contemporanea, Montecchio

9 October 2012 – 15 January 2013 WORKSHOP  OF PHOTO REPORTAGE: CREATIVE NON-FICTION , Triest

7-9 September NUR/LIGHT, mostra, urban art e convegno AFGHANISTAN, BEHIND THE GREAT GAME, Triest

May 3rd, h 20.45, Como, per il Festival “Le primavere di Como”

May 2nd, h 21.15, Festival Citerna Fotografia

March 18th, Modena, conversazione-screening con Michele Smargiassi, Festival Terre Ospitali

February 21st, “Il reportage: tra cronaca e letteratura”, Scuola del Sociale, Roma, lezioni del giornalismo con Giuliano Battiston

10-31 January, lezioni di giornalismo nei licei di Trieste, per il corso di formazione “Piccolo-Scuola”


24 November, L’Asia svelata, Museo d’Arte Orientale, con Stefano Faravelli

12 November, Fondazione Basaglia con l’Università e il Comune di Padova, lectio per le donne straniere in Italia

13 August, 21.00, Bastione Santo Spirito, Porta Palio, Verona, Passion and Possession. Women’s stories on the borders of monotheism – a performance.

June 3th, at 19.30, Warsaw, Instytut Reportażu “Wrzenie Świata”, presentation of the book “Boży ludzie” (Bosz Editions 2011), with Bartosz Panek

June 2, presentation of the exibition “Genti di Dio”, CiternaFotografia, Italy

May 19th, Nur, lecture-screening, Officine Fotografiche, Roma, Italy. Seminary about the documentary photography and the photojournalism, by Punto di Svista and Officine Fotografiche.

January-February, lectures about the documentary photography, University and senior high schools of Triest, Italy


November 23, the screening-conference “Afganistan, not only the war”, Modena

November 4, the screening for “Letter to the kamikaze. The tale from Triest” of Khaled Fouad Allam, Miela Theatre, Triest

August 6, Isle of San Pietro, Sardegna, the screening and presentazion of the exibition “Auras” for Occhi du Mò Photocontest, International Festival of Photography, Carloforte, August 8: portfolio reading with Denis Curti (Agency Contrasto), Salvatore Ligios and Monika Bulaj

June 24, Palestrina, the screening-conference “Auras”, Premio e Festival per la letteratura di viaggio l’Albatros Città di Palestrina

June 4, Triest, the screening-conference “Afghanistan: talking about the war, talking about the peace”, with Fausto Biloslavo

June 3, Venezia, Loggia del Temanza: screening-conference “Auras: the multi-tongued One”

February 23, at 4.30 pm,, Milan, conference-screening: “Auras, stories of the divine exteriority”, Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale, Convegno di Studio.

Monika Bulaj and Danny Wilcox Frazier are the winner for the 2010 Aftermath Project grant, sponsored this year by Open Society Institute. Monika won for her ongoing project “Afghanistan: Not Only The War,” part of her big project about Central Asia, which will explore several “hidden worlds” within the country, as religious and ethnic minorities, afghan Misticism and the aftermath and social issues, in particular those characterising the condition of women: their emotional geographies, their spirituality, their struggles with depression and suicide; the impositions of morality and tribal laws, the aspirations and the post-war trauma. American photographer Danny Wilcox Frazier was awarded a grant for his project, “Wounded Knee: Generations Endure a Massacre”. The work of two winners and five finnalist will be featured in the Spring 2011 publication, “War Is Only Half the Story”, Volume 4. The Aftermath Project is a non-profit organization founded by Sara Terry committed to telling the other half of the story of conflict—the story of what it takes for individuals to learn to live again, to rebuild destroyed lives and homes, to restore civil societies, to address the lingering wounds of war while struggling to create new avenues for peace: www.theaftermathproject.org


November 14, Genova, at 11 a.m.: Galatea Museo del Mare: conversation with the photographer Mario Dondero; at 9 p.m., Teatro Modena: Bruce Chatwin special grant for the photography “Occhio assoluto”

November 13, Ivrea, the presentation of the book “Genti di Dio” with father Guido Dotti from Bosé Community

November 12, Tuenno (Trento), screnning- conference “Womens regards”

September 24, Turin, Italy, “Rappresentare l’altro religioso con la fotografia. Realtà e mistificazioni” (Representing the religious other through photography. Reality and mystifications) , FIERI (International and European Forum of Researches on Immigration) in collaboration with Torino Spiritualità, Riccardo Zanini, Andrea Pogliano, and FIERI researchers responsible for “Lo sguardo sul’altro. Fotografia e immigrazione in Italia dagli anni ’80 a oggi” (A look on others. Photography and immigration in Italy, from the Eighties to nowadays).

September 7, at 6 p.m., opening of the exhibition “Aure”, Jew Culture Festival Negba – Verso il Mezzogiorno, Castle of Otranto, Italy.

July 31, at 6 p.m., introduction to the exhibition “Europa Verticale”, Palazzo Ducale, Genova

July 30, at 5 p.m., Hochschule der Bildenden Künste, Saarbrücken/Germania, Rathaus-Aula der HBKsaar: „Reportagefotografie“: lesson on photography and reportages, on the occasion of the exhibition dedicated to Ryszard Kapuscinski “Grenzgänge”.

July 25, at 10 p.m., Festival of Photography, Sestri Levante, Italy, “Una Penisola di Luce” (A peninsula of light), the screening “Aure”.

May 16, Book Fair of Turin/ Lingua Madre, conversation with Wojciech Gorecki.

May 14, projection and lecture “Fotografare lo spirito” (Photographing the soul), Centro Culturale S.Bartolomeo dei PP.Domenicani in Bergamo.

May 11, Takunda Award, CESVI, Teatro Dionizetti, Bergamo, Italy, projection on Afghanistan and Tajikistan.

February 20, lesson at the Scuola di Fotografia di Giuliana Traverso, Genoa, Italy

January 21, Kath. Akademie in Bayern, Munich, Germany. Inauguration of the exhibition “Genti di Dio, viaggio nell’Altra Europa” (Peoples of God, a voyage in the Other Europe), at 7 p.m., Dr. Habil. Lecture of Maria Widil, professor of pastoral theology and pedagogy at the University of Erfurt: “Religious Minorities, Values, and Challenges”; Carl Wilhelm Macke: Introductory lecture to the exhibition “Peoples of God”.


December 10, lecture-projection of “Una sola umanità e le frontiere tra noi” (One humankind and borders among us), with Moni Ovadia, on the occasion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Teatro Donizetti, Bergamo, Italy.

November 30, Milan, Italy, lecture-open forum at Spazio Forma in Milan on photography and social commitment.

November 8, Udine, Italy, FuoriRotta, at 5.30 p.m., conversation with Mariusz Wilk: “La traccia e la neve, viaggio nella Russia boreale” (The track and the snow: voyage in boreal Russia); at 8.30 p.m. presentation of the book “Genti di Dio” (Peoples of God).
Book Fair of Turin, Italy, conversation with Father Enzo Bianchi: “Genti di Dio” (Peoples of God).

Rome, National Geographic Photographers, projection, starting February 15, at Palazzo delle Esposizioni, on the decennial of the magazine in Italy and its 120 years in the world.


Cycle of lessons on photography and reportage, Liceo Amaldi, Alzano Lombardo, Italy, in collaboration with Professor Enrica Manni.

Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa, Naples, Italy, seminar on “Aure”, within the Laurea Specialistica
Scienze dello Spettacolo e della Produzione Multimediale.

“On the move”, International Fair of Cinema, Rome, October 18-27.

“About seeing”, Masterclass at Toscana Photographic Workshop: The European Center for Creative Photography, Italy, Summer 2007.

Mantova, Literature Festival, 2007, Italy, projection and lecture: “Passion and Possession”.

Member of the jury at the 2006 National Geographic Grant, Italy, Rome

Udine, Italy, Vicino/Lontano 2007, projection and lecture: “Aure”