Photojournalism Workshop

C R E A T I V E    N O N F I C T I O N

 W R I T I N G    T H E    R E A L I T Y 

Next dates in 2025:

May 24-25 , Triest, Italy,mail to

For more informations, please write on: monikabulajworkshop(at)





Your personal projects will be the center of attention, to study together their dramaturgy, composition, rhythm, sequences, counterpoints and graphic. Trying to find out a narrative score, we will analyze the links between photo reportage and cinema, poetry, theater and literary writing. We will talk about the truth and the mystery in photography, which can only be illuminated by yourself. You will be strongly encouraged to investigate your perceptions and your sensitivity, to look for possible developments within it. We will dig into the images, finding sometimes a thread, a fil rouge, a personal nerve. I will try to bring out from each one something, sometimes unexpected, of his/her own and give space to it, with indications how to follow and develop personal sensibilities.
It is a very intuitive process. I do not create or follow pre-established rules, because every work in progress has its own. It could be called a maieutic method. Photographs can meet and dialogue, reinforce each other in games of mirrors and antitheses, developments and plots, rhythms and counterpoints, revelations and catharsis, unleashing their meaning, sometimes visionary and ironic, real and dreamlike, hidden and unexpected.
We will reflect on the possibility of seeing reality without transforming it, without influencing it and without lying. Therefore, as a consequence, we will also talk about ethics in reportage, honesty and moral issues of post-production. But also the evolution of the reportage in the history of the image, of the journalistic and documentary investigation, of its nuances, transformations and languages. We will reflect on how the technical and intellectual choices may transform languages and the way of telling the stories of life.